Author: Arthur Blok

Veteran journalist, author, moderator and entrepreneur. The man with the unapologetic opinion who is always ready to help you understand and simplify the most complex (global) matters. Just ask.
Arthur Blok23/08/2020

Panic in Iran following the explosions in Beirut

The Beirut explosions on August 4, resulting from 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate igniting along […]
Arthur Blok22/08/2020

Questions swirl around the explosive cargo that destroyed the Lebanese capital

The explosion in Lebanon leads back to an abandoned ship in Beirut that had arrived […]
Arthur Blok21/08/2020

Wuhan's 'FUCK YOU' to the rest of the world

Wuhan is probably one of the last places on earth where you would expect to […]
Arthur Blok21/08/2020

Anwar Gargash: several Arab states on the path to normalising relations with Israel (with video)

More Arab nations are on a path to normalising ties with Israel, Minister of State […]
Arthur Blok21/08/2020

US to restore all sanctions on Iran, accuses European allies of ‘siding with ayatollahs’

US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo informed the United Nations Thursday that the US was […]
Arthur Blok20/08/2020

BREAKING NEWS: The explosive trail in the Beirut port explosion leads to Hezbollah

After the disaster in the port of Beirut earlier this month, Hezbollah came under suspicion […]
Arthur Blok18/08/2020

Hariri urges 'punishment' of 'murderers', calls on Hezbollah to make sacrifices

Ex-PM Saad Hariri said Tuesday he accepted a special tribunal's verdict over the 2005 murder […]
Arthur Blok18/08/2020

Ship cited in Beirut blast hasn't sailed in 7 years

The explosive material responsible for the August 4 blast in Beirut was carried by the […]
Arthur Blok17/08/2020

The Lebanon Tribunal: the case, suspects and evidence

Judges at The Special Tribunal for Lebanon are due to give their verdict on Tuesday […]
Arthur Blok17/08/2020

Kallman to lead U.S. Aerospace Industry presence at Saudi International Airshow 2021

Kallman Worldwide Inc., one of the global leaders in organising U.S. participation at the most […]
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