Category: Unapologetic

We do not say sorry or apologize for our thoughts, feelings, and writing. We swim against the current if we feel that is right. We are simply unapologetic.

The Liberum10/10/2024

How I lost my respect for the Western ‘civilisation’

Western countries are fond of showing to the rest of the world how civilised they […]
Hiba Kilany04/10/2024

Smile, smile, and please don’t cry

Sip that perfect Italian coffee under its clear sky, soft breeze, and warm sun… just […]
Arthur Blok02/10/2024

The paradox of being Lebanese

It is not easy being Lebanese these days if it ever was. Surrounded by unfriendly […]
The Liberum24/09/2024

Double standards on Western Sanctions Unmask anti-Azerbaijani Propaganda

Azerbaijan is regularly targeted by Western political circles fueled by Armenian and pro-Armenian groups. One […]
Nikola Mikovic22/09/2024

Putin’s non-existent red lines could lead Russia into a nuclear abyss

It looks like Russia does not have any red lines. Almost daily, NATO-backed Ukraine inflicts […]
Mienke de Wilde03/09/2024

Sodom and Gomorra at the #Metoo-Lympics in perspective

It is still fresh in our minds: the Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony. The 2024 opening […]
Paul Cliteur30/08/2024

Dutch Prosecution of two Pakistani Jihadists is a new phase in the fight against terror

The extra-secure court near Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport will Monday again be the scene of a […]
The Liberum27/08/2024

Michel Foucault is the Hero of the Privileged Social Justice Warriors

All over the Western world, governments and social institutions face the demands of LGBTQ activists. […]
The Liberum22/08/2024

Prosecution of former Cabinet Members is a bit of a thing in The Netherlands

Like in many other Western democracies, Members of Parliament, ministers, and state secretaries in the […]
The Liberum19/08/2024

Why so many Experts are Wrong: Ideological Self-confinement

Navigating complex international affairs requires expertise attuned to global trends and local politics. We read […]
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