The Axles Of My Wagon Wheels is a special section dedicated to the original work of writer and director Talal Chami, who has published two non-fiction and one fiction novel. The talented Lebanese - Colombian writer takes you on a journey with bizarre sexual twists, best described as ‘experimental by excellence.’
The artwork of Fadi Balhawan (1966) is so unique that it is almost impossible to find an artist with comparable work anywhere in the world. His art can only truly be understood when seeing it yourself. It is a unique combination of calligraphy with colours transmitting a story behind each piece of art.
Everybody needs a voice, and Arab and Muslim science fiction is no exception. This is Emad's gift to his colleagues across the region and beyond. A platform for the unheard, reviewing, and interviewing the avant-garde to mend cultural bridges from the Global South to the Global North.
Nations would have long ago accomplished the goal of a peaceful home for everyone if not for hoarded money* being vacuumed out of circulation to cause periodic decline and fall. The Environmentalist Movement would have never even started. Religions would have long ago made The Beast (USURY) subservient. Asset freezing, sanctions, and taxes don’t touch the paper US Dollar.