Category: Unapologetic

We do not say sorry or apologize for our thoughts, feelings, and writing. We swim against the current if we feel that is right. We are simply unapologetic.

Arthur Blok12/02/2024

Dutch Climate Expert emeritus professor Guus Berkhout: “There is No Climate Emergency; it is a Hoax”

Has climate madness reached its peak? More genuine climate experts dare to speak up against […]
Nikola Mikovic10/02/2024

Volodymyr Zelensky’s dramatic fall from grace

For the West, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky no longer seems to be a hero who […]
Arthur Blok01/02/2024

Unlearned lessons from the past: the Vietnam War versus the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Vietnam has been baptized an economic miracle. The once war-torn Southeast Asian nation of almost […]
The Liberum19/01/2024

Humans.. right? "Few words for none and not for all"

So let me see if I get it Right. After dismantling the worship and reverence […]
Hiba Kilany05/01/2024

Israel: "I Curse You!”

I have been avoiding the subject; I wanted to ignore the fact that we live […]
Arthur Blok31/12/2023

The Liberum’s highlights of 2023: From Dubai Bling to Global Disasters & Arab Science Fiction

The last hours of 2023. It was another wild ride, just like the previous year. […]
Arthur Blok15/11/2023

The Israel-Hamas war illustrates the Arab World’s Incompetence and Iran’s regional Dominance

If the fighting between Hamas and Israel illustrates one thing, it is the incompetence of […]
The Liberum12/11/2023

No apology is necessary, but accountability will be inevitable

Britain’s prime minister recently rejected slavery reparation calls, so contrition for giving away Palestine on […]
Zeina Ismail-Allouche03/11/2023

Gaza’s Children: Unveiling the Crime of the Millenium

Where is the condemnation of the war crimes committed against Gaza's children? Where is the […]
The Liberum31/10/2023

Exclusive Report from the ground: Gaza Takes on Goliath

Palestinian resistance to Israeli hegemony has come to a head. Hamas’ paramilitary, the Ezzeldin AlQassam […]