Country: United Arab Emirates

Emile Fakhoury14/06/2024

Thinking differently; the way, the skills & habits of innovation

We often say listening is more powerful than speaking. That’s true, but speaking is also […]
Arthur Blok06/06/2024

Dutch Hotelier Alexander Musch receives General Manager of the Year Award in the UAE

Managing a hotel is an art. A modern-day hotel general manager (GM) comes with a […]
Emile Fakhoury26/05/2024

Great Leadership is a fusion of Self-Awareness and Decision-making

You could be a well-liked manager in your organisation, yet you are starting to feel […]
Wouter van der Wiel25/05/2024

Theatrum Mundi in the Tempest

It is no longer a secret that Russia and China, with their strategic foresight, are […]
Salman Rushdie after the attack. Picture courtesy of Rachel Eliza Griffiths.
Paul Cliteur18/05/2024

In the Ayatollah’s grip: Salman Rushdie’s “Knife”

“I didn’t think very much about the man whose actions had put me in this […]
Flowers for the Real Luxuries in Life are Free
Emile Fakhoury05/05/2024

The Real Luxuries in Life are Free

The real luxuries in life are not necessarily materialistic. They are free, touch your soul, […]
Emile Fakhoury29/03/2024

Master your Emotional Intelligence

You could be a well-liked manager in your organization, but you are starting to feel […]
Arthur Blok23/03/2024

A touch of Dubai’s Glitter and Glamour hits Rotterdam

The Dutch harbor city of Rotterdam got a touch of Dubai's glitter and glamour last […]
Emile Fakhoury08/03/2024

Giving Feedback is Essential to Grow

Giving feedback is essential to career growth if given constructively and at the right time. […]
Arthur Blok12/02/2024

Dutch Climate Expert emeritus professor Guus Berkhout: “There is No Climate Emergency; it is a Hoax”

Has climate madness reached its peak? More genuine climate experts dare to speak up against […]
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