Working Online: Advantages and Disadvantages

Image credits: Working Online: Advantages and Disadvantages

By Areej Zaher* -- Jobs had evolved throughout time and ratified in various fields, which include the Internet and especially the social media.
despite how this may sounds appealing to many people, but it may have some disadvantages.
When it comes to looking for a job, people prefer old fashioned ways from searching in the job ads in newspapers to sending a resume, and finally the job interview.
However, internet made things much easier, which means that all the world has been put in a small box. So now you can get the news from all over the world and at any time, you can skip leaving house to watch the latest movies, make friends or even meet your soul mate. And when it comes to business, job markets have taken a remarkable leap. With online jobs you don't have to leave the house for 8 hours or stuck on traffic, besides you avoid contact with a harassing fellow workers or an angry boss.
The number of women who seek working on the Internet are increasing, because it's easier for a housewife to work at home with no office hours, and still be able to do housework and looking for her children.
Those are some benefits, but of course this is not the rule. Old fashioned jobs are considered safer and more credible in comparison to online jobs, because virtual world misses some factors that can be found in the real world, such as meeting in person, interaction between colleagues, credibility and working environment.
If working online is more suitable for, you should keep in mind these things:
• Investigate this job: you can google it or ask someone who work for them.

• Don't be fooled into flashy jobs: because any company or employer with good reputation will demand a good resume and working experience or some of work which related to the job required. So if you are looking into job ads and find an ad with no job details, no email address or seeking young females without regard to their experience, just pass!
• Meet you employers: If it is possible, have an interview with your boss, in person or via social media. Have self confidence and make a good self impression. Be courageous and ask for job requirement, salary, perks and noncontributory.
• Be careful with online marking jobs: despite it may sounds easy and comfortable, marketing doesn't offer a fixed salary, but a small commission. Not to mention frauds and scams that some costumers commit.
• Have a plan B: In the contrary to traditional jobs, online jobs lack stability. So you may like to consider having a parallel career.
Unemployment levels are increasing rapidly, and it’s getting harder to find a job. Some would settle with any job, but others are still waiting for their dream job. Whatever was the case for you, you should always be up to date, and consider every opportunity that you came across. And the most important thing is to be open-minded and not to be afraid to try new methods, and do new things. Online jobs are the trend, so buckle up and go!

*Areej Zaher is a Syrian writer and translator.

Areej Zaher
Areej Zaher
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