Why a healthy mindset is essential for success

A healthy mindset is essential for a good life both professionally and socially. Every one of us aims to maintain our minds in healthy conditions and could use various tools or techniques. These techniques could be of physical or emotional, or spiritual nature.

By Emile Fakhoury
A healthy mindset includes emotional, physical, and spiritual practices and affects how you feel and act. I truly believe genuinely succeed in both your life and professional career, you must have a healthy mindset to enable you to perform and interact with others efficiently.

The main factors in achieving a healthy mindset can be summarised as:

  • Physical, including Routine, Sleep, Exercise, and a Balanced diet.
  • Emotional, including relationships & self-esteem.
  • Spiritual, including Faith.

Physical : Successful people adapt physically to achieve a healthy mindset, including the cycle of Exercise, Eat, Sleep and repeat. They plan the day for healthy meals, drink water sufficiently, and stay active. Staying active could be doing various exercises, sports, or even walking, but disconnecting from the work and living the moment.

Remember, always keeping a physical exercise routine will give you a sense of purpose.

Feeling physically good will bring you the control you need and your ability to change things if necessary. It will lead you to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Emotional: In a healthy mindset, people need to control their emotional side, starting from establishing and enhancing strong self-confidence and self-esteem. It starts with you and then how you connect with others and how you manage the impact of others on you.

We always need to improve or maintain our good emotional health by understanding our emotions and reactions. Constantly adapt these tips as much as feasible:

  • Express your feeling: it should be done appropriately without harming others.
  • Think before you act:  that is a golden rule; give yourself 3 seconds before you reply to others.
  • Manage stress: don’t transfer stress to others and don’t over, pressurize yourself.
  • Strive for balance: give time to things to settle and ensure to balance work and life.

Spiritual: Researchers surmise that prayer and religious study are stress relievers, protecting the immune system and offering an emotional cushion during difficult times.

Trusting and putting faith in our religion could be solid support during our crisis or difficult times to help us recover and maintain a healthy mindset. Some of us may not be practising, but we could adopt relaxing or reflecting exercises to control the soul and energy.

We can also help others: as we spend time with others who are undergoing difficult times, we can offer them internal reflections and prayers to help them in difficult times.

Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” – Steve Maraboli

If we strive to control these emotional, physical and spiritual aspects, we could make s in our life and career.

Your mindset is one of the most critical aspects of your life. The good news is that daily routines can positively impact you and help you maintain a healthy mindset, live happily, and grow in your career.


Emile Fakhoury

Corporate Expert Writer, Business Professional in Energy/Water/Oil/Gas, Specialist in Coaching/Training, Association of Project Management UK Fellow Member. The professional who believes that adaptation to various social or corporate environments is the only way to survive and strive. Master the rules of the game in order to reach the top and change the rules.
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2 comments on “Why a healthy mindset is essential for success”

  1. You missed a big one,
    but thank you for the opportunity,
    How does money
    play into a healthy mindset?

  2. Thank you Angel !
    Money is a tool to be stable, satisfied and maybe happy, but it is not a mindset. The healthy mindset could generate good money!

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