Country: Azerbaijan

The Liberum24/09/2024

Double standards on Western Sanctions Unmask anti-Azerbaijani Propaganda

Azerbaijan is regularly targeted by Western political circles fueled by Armenian and pro-Armenian groups. One […]
Arthur Blok20/09/2024

The West’s misconception of Azerbaijan: “What we are accused of is blown out of proportions”

Azerbaijan is often negatively depicted in the Western mainstream media by individuals who have never […]
Robert M. Cutler12/09/2024

Azerbaijan’s emergence as a middle power

Azerbaijan has drawn increasing attention as an emerging middle power in global geopolitics. The strategic […]
Arthur Blok31/08/2024

The Baku Initiative Group aims to eradicate abuses of ongoing colonial rule

Many of us in the Western world do not realise that in various regions, people […]
Nikola Mikovic29/08/2024

Azerbaijan's delicate balance between Turkey and Israel

Despite being allies and “brotherly countries,” Azerbaijan and Turkey do not necessarily share the same […]
The Liberum19/08/2024

Why so many Experts are Wrong: Ideological Self-confinement

Navigating complex international affairs requires expertise attuned to global trends and local politics. We read […]
Robert M. Cutler01/08/2024

Russian-Armenian military relations are a Gordian Knot

Under Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the Armenian government has been articulating its desire to distance […]
Robert M. Cutler06/07/2024

On the Path to Armenia-Azerbaijan Reconciliation

Azerbaijan and Armenia moved closer to peace since Azerbaijan re-established political control over its whole […]
Nikola Mikovic02/07/2024

Is the West the main beneficiary of decoupling Armenia from Russia’s influence?

Defeated by Azerbaijan and abandoned by its nominal ally Russia, Armenia seeks to establish closer […]
Nikola Mikovic05/06/2024

With Azerbaijani help, Europe could live without Russian energy

Energy-rich Azerbaijan is a strategically important country for the European Union’s plans to end, or […]
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