Category: Unconventional

In a nutshell, unconventional means not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed. If there is anything else to it, do let us know.

Emad Aysha21/03/2025

Torn Asunder: AI between Techno-Fascism and Monotheistic Evolution

I attended an interesting lecture the other day about AI, a very heavy-duty philosophical discussion […]
Emad Aysha16/03/2025

Image by Seduction – Casting a sci-fi spell in the Hollywood of today

You can’t talk about cinema without talking about show-do-not-tell. It’s a truism, but it can […]
Emad Aysha06/03/2025

Malcolm in the Midst – Old and New Republics of the Absurd

There is something about Malcolm McDowell movies. Especially when you watch several of them (almost) […]
Emad Aysha28/02/2025

Lucasville – The lost art of world-building Americana

With some reservations, I watched one of George Lucas’s non-sci-fi epics, American Graffiti (1973), a […]
Emad Aysha25/02/2025

A Clockwork Orange: Fiction too far or Timeless classic?

I’d recently watched an episode of Lost in Adaptation of Stanley Kubrick’s A Clock Orange […]
Emad Aysha16/02/2025

Standing on the shoulders of… an extinct species!

I just watched a rather disturbing YouTube video claiming that American and other Western servicemen […]
Emad Aysha05/02/2025

Predicting from the Fragments – On Wasini Al-Araj

Following on from my trek through the Cairo International Book Fair, I also had the […]
Emad Aysha31/01/2025

The Online Egyptian – Soul searching as a profitable enterprise

The Cairo International Book Fair, some of you must have heard of it. I have […]
Emad Aysha25/01/2025

Eyeball to Eyeball – Adnadin Jašarević on Pictures (and Words) in Bosnian SFF

Bosnia’s Adnadin Jašarević (born 1967) deserves many accolades, not least of which is that he […]
Emad Aysha15/01/2025

Theatrical Ambition – When block letters spell ‘Caligula’

There’s nothing quite like size on the silver screen, even the TV screen. One case […]
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