In election there will be all needed conditions for disabled people.

Our country has launched a major political event – elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputies of regional, district and city councils for the upcoming December 22, 2019.

This year, the elections will be held on the basis of the recently adopted Electoral Code, openly, in accordance with democratic and international principles, as well as in the spirit of healthy competition between the five political parties operating in our country. Currently, all political parties are actively preparing for future elections. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to some issues related to these processes and their systematic settlement.

An effective mechanism for ensuring the electoral rights of all citizens, including women and disabled people has fully formed by the Republic of Uzbekistan. Citizens have equal opportunities to participate in public administration directly or through their freely elected representatives, secretly vote in elections and nominate candidates from political parties.

The electoral legislation of our country implements universally recognized basic international electoral standards and norms. For further liberalization of these acts, the norms and mechanisms developed and adopted in accordance with generally recognized provisions of international law, which are constantly being improved.

In particular, the Electoral Code, laws “On Guarantees of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men”, and “On the Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence” were adopted. The government guarantees women equal participation with men in elections, ensuring rights and opportunities in other spheres of state and public life. In legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, when political parties nominate candidates for parliament and local councils for women, a 30 percent quota is provided.

By the election commission of Uzbekistan, there made conditions for more than 700 thousand citizens in implementation of their constitutional rights, including the right to vote on an equal basis with other citizens. Important rules and regulations regarding disability are reflected in the new version of the Law on Social Protection of People with Disabilities in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The program, adopted in accordance with the Decree of the President of the country “On measures to radically improve the system of governmental support for people with disabilities” of December 1, 2017. This decree provides for the development of a draft law “On the rights of disabled people ”, further expansion of measures taken to prepare for ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

As the main directions of improving the governmental support system, special attention is paid for making equal conditions with others, to disabled people in implementation of their rights, freedom and legitimate interests.

In particular, the draft law “On the Rights of People with Disabilities” was adopted in first reading at a plenary meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis in August this year. The bill is currently being prepared for a second reading.

The bill enshrines a number of rights aimed at preventing any form of discrimination against people with disabilities, including discrimination on the basis of disability, and their active involvement in social and political activities.

From this point of view, we consider it would be appropriate to give special attention to women who are experienced in the preparation and conducting the elections with disabled people when nominating candidates for members of  district election commissions for elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, deputies of the region, district and city council.

In choosing the buildings of polling stations and voting booths the regional, district and city election commissions, together with governmental bodies, while equipping them, should supply the necessary conditions provided  by the electoral law in order to make adequate conditions for citizens with disabilities to appreciate equal and unhindered use of the electoral right. In particular, for these citizens there must be created conditions for their arrival in transport, appropriate entry and exit from the building, free and unhindered voting facilities(ramps or special devices, special cabins must be installed).  Signs should be in a conspicuous places. On election day, qualified medical personnel should be organized in the building of the precinct election commission.

Such requirements are provided in the Electoral Code, and their implementation must be subject to appropriate control.

In production, distribution of printed, visual, audiovisual and other propaganda materials of political parties and candidates for deputies, in the process of meeting with voters the needs of disabled voters should be taken into account, especially things such as sign language, subtitles, Braille and other.

At the same time, I consider that it would be appropriate, in the process of nominating candidates for deputies to the Legislative Chamber, regional, district and city council, to pay attention to the presentation of candidates from representatives of people with disabilities who are actively involved in public and political life.


By Nurbek Olloyor 


The Liberum

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
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