Country: France

The Liberum25/03/2025

EU under French Gaullism

The ascendancy of US President Donald Trump to a second term came with a seismic change in […]
Emad Aysha16/03/2025

Image by Seduction – Casting a sci-fi spell in the Hollywood of today

You can’t talk about cinema without talking about show-do-not-tell. It’s a truism, but it can […]
The Liberum03/02/2025

France's role in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict in perspective

France's historical geopolitical rivalry with Britain is an underestimated driver of its actions in the […]
Paul Cliteur02/11/2024

20 years after Van Gogh: a murder that was not a tragic accident

Twenty years ago, on November 2, 2004, the controversial Dutch writer and filmmaker Theo van […]
Arthur Blok14/10/2024

Baku Initiative Group raises the bar for dialogue on French Neocolonialism in Africa

The consequences of French colonial and neocolonial rule are still eminent today, especially when one zooms […]
Mienke de Wilde03/09/2024

Sodom and Gomorra at the #Metoo-Lympics in perspective

It is still fresh in our minds: the Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony. The 2024 opening […]
Arthur Blok31/08/2024

The Baku Initiative Group aims to eradicate abuses of ongoing colonial rule

Many of us in the Western world do not realise that in various regions, people […]
The Liberum27/08/2024

Michel Foucault is the Hero of the Privileged Social Justice Warriors

All over the Western world, governments and social institutions face the demands of LGBTQ activists. […]
Dr. Aart G. Broek14/08/2024

The Paris Olympics revealed shameful cracks in the Islamic House

Looking back at the Paris Olympics, it became evident that the Islamic house requires redecorating. […]
Talal Chami05/02/2024

Talal’s Chami’s review of Joan Wallach Scott's “The Politics of Veil’’

It has been a while since we heard from our media guy, Talal Chami. Who hosts an exceptional section on the website The Axles of my Wagon Wheels, dedicated to his, somehow, bizarre mind flicks. His Liberum silence came to a halt.
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