Israel continues building an apartheid regime, by opening new Bypass roads for settlers

The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report , that the Palestinian territories occupied in June 1967 witnessed an ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign by the Israeli government in order to seize large areas of land and expel as many Palestinians as possible, prepares for erecting Apartheid regime, through, issuing new military order to confiscate 406 donums from Al-Aroub Refugee Camp, and and Beit Umar and Halhul towns to create a new settlement road no. 4370 extended from 'Esayoun", north of Hebron to Halhoul. This road will take about 1273 dunums of land.

The strategic objective of this road is to link the so-called Greater Jerusalem with its borders to Beit El-Baraka with the settlement of Kiryat Arba and the Karmei Tzur settlement, preventing the Palestinians from using this road. At the same time, the Israeli occupation authorities decided to confiscate 385 dunums of agricultural land in Tubas, Tamoun and Tayasir in the northern in the Jordan Valley in the Tubas Governorate under the pretext of constructing a military road. In addition, 384, 492 dunums were confiscated in the Tayasir area to make a road, only a few meters away from the homes of the citizens and Tayasir School. Moreover, isolating bout 42,000 dunums of land, and to preventing the people from accessing these lands without permission.

Moreover, the Israeli government approved in 2014 a plan to open 300 km roads and bypass roads in the West Bank to merely serve settlements, and the seizure of tens of thousands of dunums of Palestinian land to strengthen its control over large areas in the West Bank and Jerusalem area. They have been under construction for a number of years and include 44 plans, of which more than 24 have been approved, while others are under process. The length of the roads is 157 km, while the length of the schemes that have not yet been approved is 140. In total, 300 km of roads are required, so, about 25,000 dunums will be confiscated.

At the construction level, the District Planning and Building Committee has approved the building of 770 new settlement unit at the Bitar Elete settlement, located on the lands of the residents of Husan, Nahalin and Wadi Fukin villages west of Bethlehem, The Israeli High Planning Council approved last week a construction project in the settlement of Ma'aleh Adumim, which includes the demolition of two existing buildings, each consisting of 4 floors with 147 units and 17 apartments, a commercial shop, and the construction of 7 buildings and new residential towers The building plan will include a total of 750 housing units, commercial buildings and public buildings, and the total number of units in the project will be 750 housing units, while the District Planning and Building Committee has approved a new structural plan for the settlement of Gilo in order to increase its population and linking new areas to the settlement. 30-storey will be built on the side of Rosmarin Street, which the light train will pass by it. The number of houses in the buildings on both sides of the street will be 55.7 housing units per dunam, and the area of ​​the residential unit will be 110 m2, where historical buildings in the area are there since the Jordanian era.

The so-called Israeli Higher Education Council approved the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the West Bank settlement of Ariel after Israeli Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit recommended that. The debate took place in the Council, where 13 people voted in favor of the resolution and 5 rejected it. The decision will begin with the new academic year, which was described by Channel 7 Hebrew as a first step to annex the settlement blocs to Israeli sovereignty.

A report published by the Israeli Peace Now Movement, stated that 19346 housing units were built in West Bank and Jerusalem settlements during Netanyahu's term in office, adding 13608 units i.e. 70% were built in isolated settlements, in which 60,000 settlers are there. The report noted that 11% of the construction, 2206 settlement units are illegal according to the laws applied by Israel in the settlements under international law. The report outlined that Nis 10.272 billion were invested in settlements.

In a statement to the Council of Settlements on the results of the Israeli elections, the so-called "Council of Settlements" in the West Bank confirmed that the results of the elections indicate that the people expressed their loyalty to the land of "Israel" and  support for the extension of the occupation sovereignty over areas in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.

The village of Jalud, south of Nablus, and the municipality of Anata in Jerusalem, besides, 2 Palestinians living in America filed lawsuits before the American District Court of Delaware against the company that promotes tourism in settlements.





The Liberum

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One comment on “Israel continues building an apartheid regime, by opening new Bypass roads for settlers”

  1. Respectfully,
    I see that good work is being done
    To help the people
    Stand on their own feet
    Instead of being slaves to
    The controlling monopoly
    Infrastructure for more free
    Economic development is being
    Built now
    To allow more trade and growth possibilities
    With other regions economic.
    Otherwise I can see all religions
    And races and cultures
    getting along much better
    Not suffering anymore
    from very limited economic
    Relationships with the rest of Earth.
    Also, Ultimately, the money with Demurrage
    Being used across all these economic regions
    Will un-fund The Dark Forces’
    And the Evil
    As well as the money
    Will be able to be
    Much more easily managed.
    -Angel NicGillicuddy ?

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