Itchan-Kala: Open-air Museum

What is Itchan-Kala? In ancient Khiva, as well as other eastern cities, was divided into three parts: the fortress - Kunya-Ark, suburb - Dishan-Kala and the city - Itchan-Kala.

Today Itchan-Kala (Ichan Kala) is open-air museum. It is the old part of the city, surrounded with wall and turned into the State Historical Archaeological Museum. Here on the vast territory of 26 hectares the exotic image of the eastern city has been preserved. But the most striking is that Itchan-Kala is not a frozen museum city. It is a home for 300 families, mostly engaged in crafts.


President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev inspected the alley leading from Khiva railway station to Ichan-Kala complex.

The alley, designed to give Khiva a new look, is also being created on the instructions of the Head of the state, given during his previous visits to the region. On both sides of the avenue, two-storey tourism facilities are erected. On the first floors there are handicraft workshops, shopping and consumer services centers, on the second – hotels and restaurants. All this, along with creation of amenities for tourists, serves as a source of income and employment.

Here, the President got acquainted with projects on development of tourism potential of Khorezm region, planning the historical part of the city of Khiva. Plans for construction of hotels in the country of international brands, expansion of trade and service were presented.


By Nurbek Olloyor


Khiva Hotels Reservation Service

All Khiva hotels are united by a location in the historical center of the city, medieval citadel of Itchan-Kala, or near it. It is surprising, that Khiva hotels, located in the historical buildings and madrassahs, are rather a rule than an exception. It explains compact rooms, considered functionality of furniture and restaurants, located outside Khiva hotels. Not to disturb the general architectural style of ancient Khiva, called the Open air Museum, people of Itchan Kala do not change the appearance of the medieval buildings, except the interior. Khiva hotels such as  Meros Guest House, Qosha Darvoza Hotel, Old Khiva Hotel, Islambek Hotel, Kala Hotel and Shokhjakhon Hotels are the amazing interweaving of an antiquity and modernity. In hotel rooms, decorated in oriental medieval luxury, you will find modern bathrooms, air conditioners, TV sets and things of civilization.


The Liberum

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