Riad Salameh hands over audit to PM Mikati

Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh on Friday met with Prime Minister Najib Miqati and said he handed him “a report prepared by the BDO, Semaan, Gholam & Co auditing company.”

“The report was prepared at my request and it includes an auditing of my personal bank accounts and the accounts that have been mentioned in the press for the past year and a half and are the subject of judicial investigations,” Salameh said after the meeting.

“I handed the report based on the principle of transparency, and so that he be in possession of verified information that proves that no funds had entered into the central bank from operations related to the Forry Associates company, and that I have not personally benefitted from any funds from the central bank,” the governor added.

“My accounts at the bank are totally separate from the central bank’s accounts,” Salameh went on to say.

He added: “This issue has nothing to do at all with the rest of the matters, whether the forensic audit or judicial investigations, and this report will be submitted inside and outside Lebanon where there are judicial lawsuits.”

Source: Naharnet.com


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