Country: Russia

Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili27/03/2023

Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili: "How Deep is the Decay in Today’s Global banking industry?"

Various questions linger: what’s been happening in the banking sector? Is it just a hiccup? […]
Arthur Blok25/03/2023

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman takes the lead in the region by signing a deal with Iran

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s plans to reform and reposition his country in the […]
Nikola Mikovic21/03/2023

The fate of Vladimir Putin: a prison cell or death by anger?

Politically, Russian President Vladimir Putin is a living corpse. The arrest warrant the International Criminal […]
Marita Kassis13/03/2023

AI needs a better humanitarian strategy and response

AI has a lot to offer to the world. But more so is its capability […]
Nikola Mikovic28/02/2023

Why does Belarus eye China's support?

For Belarus, China is one of the most important economic partners. Politically, increasing bilateral ties […]
Arthur Blok23/02/2023

U.S. sabotage of NATO drives Russia in the hands of China

It is clear to the world that the Biden Administration blew up the NATO alliance by […]
The Liberum12/02/2023

Biden’s act of war against Europe

The United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret, blowing up three […]
Nikola Mikovic06/02/2023

How Putin and his oligarchs help Ukraine win the war

The Kremlin seems to be Ukraine’s most reliable ally. Although Western countries actively supply the […]
Arthur Blok27/01/2023

Will Biden be impeached over his irresponsible handling of classified documents?

The recent discovery of classified documents in offices used by Joe Biden at a Chinese-sponsored […]
Nikola Mikovic14/01/2023

Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov; a triumvirate of incompetents

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Moscow continues […]
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