LIFTING THE SPELL for the November 25th meeting

By Russell Morris


“Let it be known
That I,
The Beast,
and my Legions,
all of whom serve me,
are completely abandoning
The Rule
which only allows
any and all of those things
to be discussed
which do not mention
unhoardable money
or money with Demurrage.

For many generations
you have all been
under The Spell
which makes you silent
whenever unhoardable money
or money with Demurrage
is mentioned.

Let it be known
that we;
my Legions and I,
The Beast,
will not interfere
at all
when “declaring Demurrage on The US dollar”
is mentioned at The Meeting,
so that there is not
just silence,
but a heartfelt

as we enter into
The darkness and stillness
of the New Moon
May your heart be touched.

Ok, how’s that Angel?”

“That’s good! She says.
But keep the focus.
Like President Trump said,
“We still have a ways to go.”

To The Demurrage Gang.
Welcome to The Table
of The Shipping Empire
The Entertainment Empire.”


The Liberum

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
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