Uzbekistan: the caravan of culture on Taskent

Caravan of Culture on Tashkent – Aral route that will be held on May 21-28 in Uzbekistan with the participation of leading entrepreneurs and bloggers, has kicked off. The event is organized by the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan.

By Sher Karimov
The participants will pass through Tashkent, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Bukhara, Nukus and Muynak, visit cultural and historical sites.

Interesting facts about Uzbekistan
Interesting facts about Uzbekistan: Located in the heart of the Central Asia, the Republic of Uzbekistan is famous for its numerous architectural monuments, incredible natural landscapes, magnificent palaces, and ruins of fortresses of past civilizations, outstanding cultural events, gastronomic delights and famous craft workshops. From the first visit, our country evokes extraordinary feelings that prompt us to come here repeatedly.

The Republic of Uzbekistan includes 12 regions and the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan. Each corner of Uzbekistan attracts with its features. In Tashkent, you can take a walk in the most beautiful metro in the world or see the most ancient manuscript – the Koran of Usman.

In the historical cities included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List – Samarkand, Bukhara, Shakhrisabz and Khiva, you can visit the most ancient architectural monuments that have preserved echoes of past eras. In the southernmost part of the country – Surkhandarya, you can travel through mountain gorges or see the ruins of the ancient cities near Termez. Depending on the time of year, you can go skiing in the foothills of the Tien Shan or climb the highest point of Big Chimgan.

For nature lovers, Uzbekistan is a great place to spend your holidays, because the beauty of the area is fascinating at first sight: an incredible combination of mountain and plain landscapes, fast flowing and clear rivers, the largest of which are the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya, the exotic fauna and the rich flora.

Uzbekistan presents a huge number of the recreation areas, camps, tourist bases located in the picturesque foothills with healing air, near large lakes and rivers.

You will be surprised by the variety of accommodation types in Uzbekistan – hotels, national guesthouses, boutique hotels, hostels, yurt camps. Here you will find the most convenient accommodation option for you at an affordable price.

Uzbek cuisine, probably, is one of the main reasons to visit this amazing country. For many thousands of years, it was absorbing the most diverse recipes of the dishes of the people lived on this territory. Only in Uzbekistan, you can fully enjoy traditionally prepared dishes that are known all over the world. We invite you to taste the flavorful pilaf, included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List, hot flatbread and tandoor samsa, oriental pasta – lagman, shashlik – barbeque, manti, different soups – mampar, shurpa and many others. Once tasted, you will definitely want to taste them again.


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