Category: Featured

Emad Aysha06/02/2024

Family disvalued – Cronenberg’s tragicomedy of the path to nowhere

Following on from my body horror piece on David Cronenberg’s Crimes of the Future (2022), […]
Talal Chami05/02/2024

Talal’s Chami’s review of Joan Wallach Scott's “The Politics of Veil’’

It has been a while since we heard from our media guy, Talal Chami. Who hosts an exceptional section on the website The Axles of my Wagon Wheels, dedicated to his, somehow, bizarre mind flicks. His Liberum silence came to a halt.
Emile Fakhoury03/02/2024

How to Balance Work and Life

To be honest, I am a workaholic and with enormous energy to dive into details […]
Arthur Blok01/02/2024

Unlearned lessons from the past: the Vietnam War versus the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Vietnam has been baptized an economic miracle. The once war-torn Southeast Asian nation of almost […]
Adriana Lebbos29/01/2024

What do you do for a living?

You’re at a dinner party you wholeheartedly wanted to cancel because you “honestly don’t feel […]
The Liberum24/01/2024

Was Kahlil Gibran a Bolshevik? The Classified FBI (BOI) Files Explained

Edgar B. Speer, special agent for the Buro of Investigation (BOI) in Pittsburgh in August […]
Emad Aysha22/01/2024

High-tech body horror – Cronenberg’s contribution to cyberpunk

David Cronenberg's movie Crimes of the Future (2022) was advised to me by an Iranian […]
The Liberum19/01/2024

Humans.. right? "Few words for none and not for all"

So let me see if I get it Right. After dismantling the worship and reverence […]
Emile Fakhoury14/01/2024

Become the Master of Time Management

Time management is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the effectiveness of an […]
Adriana Lebbos12/01/2024

Cancelling plans is the best plan

As harsh as it might sound, I miss the unapologetic disconnectedness of the COVID era. […]
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