Category: Featured

Emile Fakhoury24/02/2023

Passion at Work

Passion drives me to enjoy my work and helps me overcome workplace obstacles. Whenever I […]
Arthur Blok22/02/2023

Kahlil Gibran’s best-known book The Prophet celebrates its Centennial Anniversary

“No man can reveal to you aught, but that which already lies half asleep in […]
Fadi Balhawan21/02/2023

Episode 04 | The Black Tulip (Fadi's Art)

Watch the fourth episode of Lebanese artist Fadi Balhawan’s (1966) ‘behind-the-scene’ video called The Black […]
Emad Aysha20/02/2023

Sexbots in Time – A second look at Blade Runner 2049

Male fantasy is seen as something that can create reality, whereas female fantasy is regarded […]
Arthur Blok18/02/2023

It is only a matter of time before Saudi Arabia will play a pivotal regional role in social innovation

Under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is full of positive surprises. Since He […]
The Liberum16/02/2023

Candlelight vigil to defend Lebanon’s democracy

One of the oldest democracies in the world is being held to ransom by a […]
Emile Fakhoury15/02/2023

Why a healthy mindset is essential for success

A healthy mindset is essential for a good life both professionally and socially. Every one […]
The Liberum12/02/2023

Biden’s act of war against Europe

The United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret, blowing up three […]
Emad Aysha10/02/2023

Full Circle – Gene-splicing in the Egyptian genre imagination

A funny story about a funny story: I was at the 54th Cairo International Book […]
The Liberum08/02/2023

Bhutan pursues Gross National Happiness instead of a Gross Domestic Product

As the clock approaches midnight on New Year’s Eve, I won’t be found at a […]
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