Category: Unapologetic

We do not say sorry or apologize for our thoughts, feelings, and writing. We swim against the current if we feel that is right. We are simply unapologetic.

Arthur Blok25/03/2023

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman takes the lead in the region by signing a deal with Iran

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s plans to reform and reposition his country in the […]
Nikola Mikovic21/03/2023

The fate of Vladimir Putin: a prison cell or death by anger?

Politically, Russian President Vladimir Putin is a living corpse. The arrest warrant the International Criminal […]
Arthur Blok18/03/2023

International NGOs using Lebanon’s misery for their agenda, a practical example

Lebanon became synonymous with a political and economic mess. The land of the Cedar exports […]
Arthur Blok11/03/2023

Episode 04 | You are not allowed to criticise Moroccans

Dutch Emeritus professor Paul Cliteur wrote in 2016 Bardot, Fallaci, Houellebecq and Wilders (2016). A […]
Arthur Blok23/02/2023

U.S. sabotage of NATO drives Russia in the hands of China

It is clear to the world that the Biden Administration blew up the NATO alliance by […]
Arthur Blok06/02/2023

Balloon-gate: a genuine threat to U.S. security or a smoke-screen from the Biden Administration?

The balloon is down. A few days ago, on Saturday to be precise, the U.S. […]
Arthur Blok27/01/2023

Will Biden be impeached over his irresponsible handling of classified documents?

The recent discovery of classified documents in offices used by Joe Biden at a Chinese-sponsored […]
Nikola Mikovic14/01/2023

Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov; a triumvirate of incompetents

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Moscow continues […]
Arthur Blok09/01/2023

Episode 03 | It can't get much Crazier: books you are not supposed to read part II

The Liberum editor-in-chief (author & political scientist) Arthur Blok published various books about Dutch politics. In 2008 […]
Arthur Blok31/12/2022

The Liberum’s highlights of 2022: we have only just begun

The last day of 2022. It’s been a wild ride for most of us: an […]
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