We do not say sorry or apologize for our thoughts, feelings, and writing. We swim against the current if we feel that is right. We are simply unapologetic.
Arthur Blok - 25/03/2023
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s plans to reform and reposition his country in the […]
Nikola Mikovic - 21/03/2023
Politically, Russian President Vladimir Putin is a living corpse. The arrest warrant the International Criminal […]
Arthur Blok - 18/03/2023
Lebanon became synonymous with a political and economic mess. The land of the Cedar exports […]
Arthur Blok - 11/03/2023
Dutch Emeritus professor Paul Cliteur wrote in 2016 Bardot, Fallaci, Houellebecq and Wilders (2016). A […]
Arthur Blok - 23/02/2023
It is clear to the world that the Biden Administration blew up the NATO alliance by […]
Arthur Blok - 06/02/2023
The balloon is down. A few days ago, on Saturday to be precise, the U.S. […]
Arthur Blok - 27/01/2023
The recent discovery of classified documents in offices used by Joe Biden at a Chinese-sponsored […]
Nikola Mikovic - 14/01/2023
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Moscow continues […]
Arthur Blok - 09/01/2023
The Liberum editor-in-chief (author & political scientist) Arthur Blok published various books about Dutch politics. In 2008 […]
Arthur Blok - 31/12/2022
The last day of 2022. It’s been a wild ride for most of us: an […]