A Hardest Slap ever to the American Administration and the Israeli Government as the Jerusalemites Boycott the Municipal Elections in Jerusalem

Member of the PLO Executive Committee, and the DFLP's Political Bureau, Tayseer Khaled saluted the Palestinian Jerusalemites, as they have boycotted the municipal elections in the occupied East Jerusalem, which emphasizes their solid position on the city despite all the maneuvers exerted by the Israel Government and the occupation Municipality in Jerusalem headed by Nir Barakt over the last months to break the boycott campaigns led by the PLO and other political, national and social organizations as well as the Islamic and Christian figures. Worth mentioning here that the electors didn't appear at the polling centers, and the electoral map showed that the percent of voting was drawing to zero as was the case over the last years.

Khaled added that boycotting of the Israeli Municipal Elections Is a clear message to the American Administration, and the Israeli government on the Palestinians rejection of Trump's recent recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the transfer of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to the occupied Holy City. Boycotting the elections is a referendum on the rejection of the Israeli occupation of the city and that Jerusalem is an integral part of the Palestinian territories that was occupied in the June 1967's aggression and affirmed the Palestinians' attachment to Jerusalem being their eternal capital.

Khaled renewed his call for unifying all the references in Jerusalem in a single national one as was agreed upon among the national forces, and the PLO's parties and the Executive Committee. He reiterated his call for the Palestinian government to allocate sufficient and necessary budgets to the city, especially to the educational and health institutions. He called on the Arab sister and Islamic countries to cut their relations with those countries that recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the occupying State and/or intend to transfer their embassies to the city. He urged them to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian citizens in Jerusalem to enable them to defend the city of the Judaization, racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing practiced by the Israeli government in Jerusalem.


31/10/2017                                                                                                                               Press Office



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