Country: Iran

Arthur Blok02/10/2024

The paradox of being Lebanese

It is not easy being Lebanese these days if it ever was. Surrounded by unfriendly […]
Nikola Mikovic22/09/2024

Putin’s non-existent red lines could lead Russia into a nuclear abyss

It looks like Russia does not have any red lines. Almost daily, NATO-backed Ukraine inflicts […]
Arthur Blok20/09/2024

The West’s misconception of Azerbaijan: “What we are accused of is blown out of proportions”

Azerbaijan is often negatively depicted in the Western mainstream media by individuals who have never […]
Emad Aysha27/08/2024

From Armenia to the World Wide Web: Iran’s Shant Khodadadian on Speculative Fiction

Shant is an Armenian name meaning lightning. Khodadad is a Persian word meaning God, given with the typical Armenian “-ian” suffix. Khodadadian was born in Iran and started reading at a very young age.
Emad Aysha29/06/2024

Petro preferences – A ‘novel’ way to answer lingering questions

The story is semi-science fiction set in the very near future. Iran is at war with Saudi Arabia, and the only way the Saudis can tip the balance back in their favour is to buy up General Motors, the company manufacturing Iran’s superior tanks. Worse still, the villainous Iran here is led by none other than the Shah
Salman Rushdie after the attack. Picture courtesy of Rachel Eliza Griffiths.
Paul Cliteur18/05/2024

In the Ayatollah’s grip: Salman Rushdie’s “Knife”

“I didn’t think very much about the man whose actions had put me in this […]
Ken van Ierlant08/02/2024

Proportionality in this Gaza war is neither possible nor desirable

Proportionality in the Israel-Gaza war is impossible and undesirable. This is a paradoxical statement that […]
Emad Aysha06/02/2024

Family disvalued – Cronenberg’s tragicomedy of the path to nowhere

Following on from my body horror piece on David Cronenberg’s Crimes of the Future (2022), […]
Emad Aysha22/01/2024

High-tech body horror – Cronenberg’s contribution to cyberpunk

David Cronenberg's movie Crimes of the Future (2022) was advised to me by an Iranian […]
Arthur Blok31/12/2023

The Liberum’s highlights of 2023: From Dubai Bling to Global Disasters & Arab Science Fiction

The last hours of 2023. It was another wild ride, just like the previous year. […]