Country: Gaza

Ken van Ierlant13/06/2024

The War of Lies

The narrative catching fire around the world is disturbingly one-sided: maintaining the focus on Gaza’s […]
Arthur Blok11/06/2024

All Eyes on Bibi Netanyahu

To no surprise, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu and his extreme-right allies ignored an […]
Arthur Blok20/04/2024

Italian Poet Laura Grimaldi: “Poetry is my breath”

Italian poet Laura Grimaldi had a rich and dynamic career. She was born in Liège, […]
Emad Aysha25/03/2024

Abeer Abdel Galil Ibrahim – An interview from between the warring stars!

Abeer Abdel Galil has two novels in a series—‘The Return (العودة) and ‘Janus’ (الجانوس)—and a […]
The Liberum13/03/2024

The Sad Truth on the Conflicting Israeli and Palestinian Views

The latest Israeli-Gaza war is still ongoing. Since its inception on October 7, over 31,000 […]
Emad Aysha01/03/2024

Dune part two: Last-minute stitch-up or spot-on surgical strike?

I may have to eat my words over Denis Villeneuve after watching Dune Part Two […]
Ken van Ierlant08/02/2024

Proportionality in this Gaza war is neither possible nor desirable

Proportionality in the Israel-Gaza war is impossible and undesirable. This is a paradoxical statement that […]
Arthur Blok01/02/2024

Unlearned lessons from the past: the Vietnam War versus the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Vietnam has been baptized an economic miracle. The once war-torn Southeast Asian nation of almost […]
Arthur Blok31/12/2023

The Liberum’s highlights of 2023: From Dubai Bling to Global Disasters & Arab Science Fiction

The last hours of 2023. It was another wild ride, just like the previous year. […]
Emad Aysha28/12/2023

One step ahead… SF insights into Gaza war

I’ve been avoiding talking about Gaza for the longest time now. The riot of emotions […]
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