Poem by Russel Morris

By Russel Morris
Another leak
from the secret meeting
of The Shipping Empire
and Pennywise
Details about the new Trump Series.
Episode One
The First Letter from The Beast.
Trump opening the letter
before becoming POTUS.
Dear Mr. Trump,
If you think,
just because i have
left my left handed activity
and gone over
to using my right,
that i am
stuck and quite alone
you are wrong.
I know more than ANYONE
about what is happening.
And i know   this:
That my  secret
has been revealed.
I am now
an agent
of Angel NicGillicuddy
Special Advisor to The POTUS
Yours Truly,
The Beast.
Episode Two
Trump's meeting with The Beast
where he declines The Offer.
Episode Three
Trump's earlier years,
where he is brought up in an environment
which nurtured
the study and experience
"how money functions".
Episode Four
Where Trump and his good hard working friends
start discussing
how to beat The Beast,
and have "Secret" Meetings.
They call their Club
The Demurrage Gang.
But really
the meetings
of Trump and his friends
and their ideas
end up NOT being
so secret
more and more friends
and high level business folks
and their employees
and their associates
and their friends
of "The Secret
for winning
The Battle
between US
and The Beast;
Episode Five
President Trump receives his first
correspondence from Angel NicGillicuddy
confirming the direction his activities are moving us toward:
The Final Blow
to The Beast;
Formally declaring demurrage on The US dollar
...more to come

The Liberum

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
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