Tayseer Khaled: Kouchner to promote Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel for free

Tayseer Khaled , member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), explained that the vital mission of Jared Kouchner and Jason Greenblatt in their tour in the region is nothing more than to support Israel and to promote Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel for free

He stressed that Kouchner in his meetings with the media seems blunt when he claims that what the administration is trying to do is to formulate realistic and fair solutions in 2019 that will allow people to live better, and that the administration focused on a number of principles to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, to give people  a gateway to enjoy freedom, freedom of opportunity, religion and worship regardless of their beliefs, respect and dignity of the people, respect each other and benefit from opportunities to improve their lives without allowing ancestral conflicts affect the future of their children , without addressing the Israeli occupation its practices and impact  on freedom, national dignity and freedom of movement away from the restrictions imposed on Palestinians and their  freedom of worship and access to holy sites.

He added that when the envoy of the American administration removes the political files from the agenda of his tour ,  occupation, settlements , racial discrimination, ethnic cleansing and imposition of a racist separation regime on the Palestinians, and also exposes the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and sweeps the countries of the region to start normalization of relationship with the State of Israel and bear the economic cost of the policy of liquidation of the Palestinian issue and align behind the US administration and the Israeli occupation government against  the Islamic Republic of Iran, to create political climate after the Israeli Knesset next elections to hold the Palestinian side responsible for not achieving realistic and fair solution  of the conflict in 2019 as he claimed.

Khaled reiterated that every American action does not take into account the rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to be free from occupation and to live in dignity and sovereignty in an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, including East Jerusalem, and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties will face terrible failure

He also called for the need to start without delay steps that would lead to freedom from humiliating Oslo's restrictions by implementing the resolutions of the National and Central Councils and the Executive Committee's decisions on determining the relationship with Israel, to stop security coordination with Israel  , withdraw the recognition of the State of Israel and cessation of the Paris economic agreement and start successive steps of disengagement and  start preparations for a comprehensive national disobedience that prompts the American administration to review its policy  and the international community to assume its responsibilities on the basis of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy within t framework of an international conference to achieve a comprehensive political settlement that secure  security and stability for all peoples and countries of the region, including the State of Palestine, and safeguard the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties in accordance with relevant resolutions of international legitimacy.

27.2.2019                                                                                                              Media Office



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