Tayseer Khaled: Warns of Annexing Area ( C ) in West Bank with American Green Light

Tayseer  Khaled, member of the PLO’s Executive Committee, member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( DFLP ) warned of  a real danger that  Israel could annex areas classified as area ( C ) in West Bank according to the agreements signed between  Palestinians and Israeli  and called on at the same time to draw lessons from Land  Day to confront US plans, aimed to liquidate  Palestinian rights after US recognition Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan

He added  that the successive Israeli governments continue to confiscate more and more Palestinian lands through displacing their owners, uprooting their trees, and destroying their homes, amid Netanyahu’s pledges to settler leaders to intensify settlement activities and strength the protection of settlers, particularly in occupied Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and areas south of Hebron so as to win upcoming Knesset elections, based on the US administration that violates the international law and the resolutions of international legitimacy, which prohibits the control of others land by force.

Khaled called to return to the decisions of the Palestinian National Council, which took place  a year ago and laid a  political base for a  national program to confront  the policies of the Israeli government and decided a series of measures that should be taken to stop security coordination with Israel  and withdraw recognition of the State of Israel and review all political, economic and administrative links with Israel  and  transfer the settlement  back to the UN Security Council to take responsibilities in pushing Israel to respect and comply with its resolutions, including resolution 2334 of 2016,and call on Bensouda Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to begin a judicial investigation immediately about settlements and all crimes committed  to hold accountable those who are  responsible for these crimes  in the Knesset, the Israeli government or the judiciary or other political , security, military levels and bring them to international justice.



1.4.2019                                                                                          Media Office



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