UPDATE: Trump claims victory, attacks vote counting efforts and claims fraud (WITH VIDEO)

Image credits: Trump has been depicting mail-in votes as fraudulent. Photo courtesy of Joe Raedle (Getty Images)

President Trump attacked legitimate vote counting efforts in remarks from the White House early Wednesday, suggesting attempts to tally all ballots amounted to disenfranchising his supporters.

"Millions and millions of people voted for us," Trump said in the East Room. "A very sad group of people is trying to disenfranchise that group of people."

His remarks were laced with misleading statements and outright falsehoods and amounted to an assault on the Democratic process. He insisted that states where vote tallies currently show him leading should be called in his favor, despite significant outstanding votes yet to be counted.

He said he was preparing to declare victory earlier in the evening. "We were getting ready for a big celebration. We were winning everything. And all of a sudden it was just called off," he said.

Trump claimed a fraud was being committed. "This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country," Trump said. "Frankly we did win this election," he said, despite millions of votes still outstanding.

Saying he would go to the US Supreme Court, Trump said he wanted "all voting to stop."

Joe Biden's White House campaign slammed President Donald Trump's threat to try to stop the election vote count as "outrageous" on Wednesday, saying its legal team was ready to prevent such an "unprecedented" act.

"The president's statement tonight about trying to shut down the counting of duly cast ballots was outrageous, unprecedented, and incorrect," Biden campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon said in a statement as the election remained undecided.

"We have legal teams standing by ready to deploy to resist... and they will prevail," Dillon said, after Trump branded slow ballot tabulations in battleground states a "fraud" and threatened to go to the Supreme Court to dispute the counting of votes.

With agencies


Arthur Blok

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