Your Worth is in Your Courage

I was inspired to write this article because the topic touched me deeply. I feel our worth is not only our success, experiences, or achievements; it is mainly our core and our energy from within that make us who we are.

By Emile Fakhoury
That makes us wake up early each day with positive energy and rise again after we fall or fail. That worth is our courage to confront challenges and keep our heads up!

First, let me explore the truth about our worth:

You can never stop achieving, and you can never stop being productive. Your work is not deposited with your next promotion or hidden in your performance review.

You must keep competing with yourself. It would be best if you were pained to keep working harder because you have been taught that your value is externally derived from what you do. That’s why we are all so terrified of not being productive and successful, of pausing, of taking breaks.

Your worth is the courage to speak up when your opinion is unpopular, ask for help when you’re struggling, and say no to protect your boundaries and mental health. Most importantly, your work is to start again after a failure or a fall, which comes naturally in life.

The truth is that you are worthy simply because you are a human being. Nothing that ever happens can take away that worth. Our worthiness doesn’t require anything from us, but life gets more joyful when we recognise that it is always there.

Start to create a "Worth Repository" - not of achievements, but of moments that made you proud of who you are (not what you did), where you honoured your values over external validation.

I have a few tips to share as I remember my day about it:

  1. There are no specific criteria you need to meet to be worthy just be yourself, you are unique, and you have your worth.
  1. You can never earn, gain or have worth: your achievements or losses don’t contribute to your worth.
  1. It’s impossible for mistakes to diminish your worth: your worth and value remain the same, as you can stand up and rise again.
  1. Criticism and feedback have nothing to do with your worth: what other people say or think about you has zero impact on your worth.

We all use some measurement that gives us value and determines our self-worth.

Do you feel a certain way when you look at your bank account?
Do you feel like you are only good at your job when you receive promotion or recognition?
Do you scroll through your LinkedIn feed and feel you are behind or not reaching your potential? 

All of the above do not matter in evaluating your value or determining your worth. Unfortunately, these toxic habits are the foundation for a devalued worth. 

The key is to find your worth and live it with purpose. We feel worthy when we operate from a place of gratitude and confidence. Remember, the finish line keeps moving because it was never meant to be your destination.

Your worth isn't waiting there. It is buried in the courage it takes to be present now.


Emile Fakhoury

Corporate Expert Writer, Business Professional in Energy/Water/Oil/Gas, Specialist in Coaching/Training, Association of Project Management UK Fellow Member. The professional who believes that adaptation to various social or corporate environments is the only way to survive and strive. Master the rules of the game in order to reach the top and change the rules.
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2 comments on “Your Worth is in Your Courage”

  1. What a writeup Emile !!! There were so many simple yet power packed statements that its hard to single out and say which is the best of the lot. All of it made perfect sense and I'm sure everyone can resonate with it completely. Thanks for the insight.

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