Central Asia at the Crossroads of World Civilizations

“Today, the Central Asian states face an important strategic task. This is to ensure deep integration of our region into the global economic, transport and transit corridors,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

According to the President of Uzbekistan, the countries of the region have managed to create an atmosphere of good neighborliness, mutual trust, friendship and mutual respect.

“Our common achievement is consultative summits of the Central Asian Heads of State, which was put forth as an initiative at the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly and has been regularly held since then.

Over the past four years, Uzbekistan’s bilateral trade with neighboring states has grown almost five-fold. During these days of trial our countries are standing by and not leaving one another alone,” the Uzbek leader added.

He stated that today, effective security cooperation is maintained in Central Asia.

“The United Nations Global Anti-Terrorism Strategy is being successfully implemented.

We stand up for conducting the International conference on the ten-year results and forthcoming prospects of this Joint Plan of the Regional Strategy.

As it is well-known, the ancient cultural and rich spiritual heritage of our region is of global importance.

We are ready to hold the International Forum “Central Asia at the Crossroads of World Civilizations” in the ancient city of Khiva in 2021 in cooperation with UNESCO,” Mirziyoyev said.


By Sher Karimov


The Liberum

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
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