Angel goes down with the Beast

By Russell Morris


They are deep deep underground
in a cave.
“We are dealing
with a magical token
very very old;
The Money Token.
Like with all magic
there must always be laser focus and clarity of mind.
The magic must always
be kept a close eye on.
the more powerful the magic
the more extreme
the consequences
and dangerous.

The Money Token
is very powerful magic.
It was NOT kept
a very close eye on, and eventually evil noticed the defect
(it’s weakness*)
and seized it;
the money.
* The weakness or defect in today’s Money is that it can be hoarded, and removed from circulation,
and hidden,
to operate
in The Dark Realms
and make very mischievous things happen.
It didn’t take long before evil took The Throne,
to rule this world
hiding behind
The Veil;
an illusion
which is created;
actually manifested
in our movements, our actions
and creation
as we have it these days.

Myself and my disciples
rule the world
and hold this power
by having the most magical money tokens.

we had a ceremony
where the power of the magical money token,
as it was,
in a coin,
we transferred that
to a piece of paper.
And then
this way
me and my disciples
were able to accumulate even more,
of the power
of the money token.
And now
very little remains above.
But there is a massive stash
down here
I can tell you.
It has all been transferred
down here,
and not just all the money token
and it’s power,
but also ...

The Beast
and Angel
are standing in front of a huge majestic door.
It is very very old and in fact
The Beast says
“It took 3000 years to build so far.
More than 3000 years.
It is Holy
or something like that.
It’s absolute presents would have been overwhelming if I had not had us come here gradually
passing through
The Long Hall of
‘Get Used To It’,
with all of its authentic art and architecture, which oddly enough came from up there.”
He pointed up.
from all over the world,
and so much art,
all the original authentic stuff
which came from; used to be
in the world where you came from, where nothing is real

is Nature.
But regarding all of your beautiful timeless
human made art ...
The real stuff
is all down here now.
It was traded for desperately needed cash money,
and a duplicate was put in its place ‘to keep it safe’.

we are about to enter into a world which you may not fully comprehend
because it is so incredibly
It is best not to try describing it
let me just say
that you may have heard about it through old books.
Maybe it could be called Nirvana, but I think it’s better actually.

You may ask why?
and how
it is here.
Well I must say
that the motivation for that was ...
‘there has been a lot of greed
and fear
in this world
for a very long time’.

But, as GOD would have it
now it; this underground world,
will serve
for all humanity,
during a period of time
where the world above
will be in a state of restoration
and purification.

Everything is fine. I apologize for getting so carried away by the power of the money token for all these years; all of these millenniums.

Now Angel
there is one question
which you must answer correctly before I will open this door;
The Money Gate.
...deep underground
in a cave.

You must tell me
The ShiBboLeTh,
first the old one
and then
the new one.”

“Well yes,
I know them
very well.”
Angel says
right away.

“Hoardable money,
which equals Fear.

“And the new one?
The Beast is looking
right into Angel’s eyes.

“Unhoardable Money,
which equals
Angel says,
calmly and clearly.”

The Beast takes his necklace off.
And on this necklace there are seven keys
for opening
The Seven Seals
which keep closed and locked
the doorway to ...
let’s just call it Heaven,
Even though I know that it will seem upside down to you,
it fits,
for this very untraditional

OK are you ready Angel NicGillicuddy? ...
She nods.
“Every breath
that I am
is one
for nurturing

And the big door creaked open slowly
just a little bit.
The Light
was blinding.

my friend
Angel NicGillicuddy.”

Yours Truly,
The Beast
Happy Valentine’s Day Sunshine.
and a toast to the new Movement
in Iran.
To The Restart
and MIGA.
We invite you
to join us;
The Demurrage Gang.

Angel has fallen.


The Liberum

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
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