Category: Voices

His Excellency Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, President of Mongolia in better days, speaking at a forum in 2012. Picture courtesy of Flickr.
The Liberum16/05/2024

Corruption scandals keep chasing former Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

Mongolia is one of the countries that speaks to the imagination of many. News reports […]
Arthur Blok06/01/2023

Lebanon’s polluted beaches are once again cleaned

What better way to start the new year than with some positive news? Not a […]
Arthur Blok31/12/2022

The Liberum’s highlights of 2022: we have only just begun

The last day of 2022. It’s been a wild ride for most of us: an […]
Nikola Mikovic19/12/2022

Vladimir Putin: moron or traitor?

According to top Kremlin officials, the West constantly deceives the Russian leaders and violates all […]
The Liberum13/09/2022

Open Letter to Nabih Berri, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament

Watching old footage of You in the seventies the other day, I was heartened by […]
Talal Chami22/08/2022

NEW PUBLICATION @ TALAL'S CORNER: ---P-I-C-K---M-E---U-P---@---G-R-E-E-N---S-U-P-R-E-M-E- -V-o-l-.2

Not so long ago, right before the summer kicked in media guy and talented writer […]
The Levant26/06/2022

Islamic Fundamentalism: how Jihadist leaders betrayed their political counterparts over and over again

The Levant News publishes global voices from various people with different backgrounds. After stories from […]
Arthur Blok31/05/2022

Who the hell does Klaus Schwab think he is?

Who does Klaus Schwab, the pharaoh of the World Economic Forum (WEF), think he is? […]
The Levant29/05/2022

Embassy of the Free Mind 

I have been questioning the mainstream narrative and the blatant censorship that happens everywhere for […]
Arthur Blok12/05/2022

EU heading to an unprecedented economic crash

You do not have to be an economist or a university professor to understand that […]
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