Country: Cuba

Arthur Blok27/11/2020

Sidney Powell warns states not to certify election results: "They are certifying their own fraud"

Sidney Powell, the lawyer for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who is now helping […]
Arthur Blok17/11/2020

FBI started investigation into presidential election, 2600 uncounted ballots 'found' in Georgia

The FBI has an investigative team that is looking into the U.S. presidential election after […]
Arthur Blok15/11/2020

Lawyer Sidney Powell: ‘Trump won in a landslide’

Sidney Powell, the lawyer for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who is now helping […]
Emad Aysha18/07/2020

Lessons from the Flophouse: Late night cinema and picking on the wrong species of helpless white male - Part I

By Emad El-Din Aysha, PhD     “With most people, not describable as artists, all […]
Emad Aysha15/06/2020

Decoding the Male Gaze: The Good, the Bad, and the Worse... in Light of the latest Terminator movie!

By Emad El-Din Aysha, PhD     “It is very true that one cannot always […]
Arthur Blok27/04/2020

Report: humidity has a significant impact on the spread of COVID-19

Dutch pollster and data-analyst Maurice de Hond exposed a relationship between the spread of the […]
Emad Aysha16/02/2020

The Lies that Bind: When Science Fiction becomes Historical Fact, and Drowning becomes the Kiss of Life!

By Emad El-Din Aysha, PhD   Was watching an annoying science fiction movie the other […]
The Liberum04/01/2020

US Foreign Policy by Assassination

By Graham E. Fuller ( 4 January 2020   The United States, through its assassination […]
The Liberum30/10/2019

Sustainable Rice Production

By: Ibrahim Al-Alou     Father Henri De Laulanie 1920-1995 Pioneer of the System of […]
The Liberum07/08/2019

“Who Lost Turkey?”

“Who Lost Turkey?” Graham E. Fuller ( 5 August 2019 Here we go again, another […]