Country: Egypt

The Liberum28/06/2020

Egyptian belly dancer condemned for social media sex expose

A high-profile Egyptian belly-dancer, Sama el-Masry, was sentenced to three years in prison and fined […]
The Liberum17/06/2020

UAE open about desire to work with Israel

The United Arab Emirates can work with Israel on some areas, including fighting the new […]
Emad Aysha15/06/2020

Decoding the Male Gaze: The Good, the Bad, and the Worse... in Light of the latest Terminator movie!

By Emad El-Din Aysha, PhD     “It is very true that one cannot always […]
The Liberum04/06/2020

Russian MiGs headed to Syria

Russia flew a batch of advanced MiG-29 fighter jets to Syria, Moscow’s embassy in Damascus […]
The Liberum30/05/2020

Excellent apps to learn about the history of Egypt

History has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I can remember, I was […]
Emad Aysha26/05/2020

Welcome to the post, post-Apocalypse: An Esoteric reading of Youssef El Sherif’s Al-Nihaya (The End)

By Emad El-Din Aysha, PhD   I’ve been planning to write about Youssef El Sherif’s […]
Emad Aysha15/04/2020

From the East to the East: Romania's Darius Hupov interviews Egypt's Ammar Al-Masry

This interview was conducted by Darius Luca Hupov. Hupov is the Editor-in-chief of Romania’s top […]
Emad Aysha11/04/2020

Reviewing ‘Amin Al-Ulwani’ by Faycel Lahmeur – When the Sci-Fi Sun rises in the West!

As an SF author, activist and reviewer from the Eastern part of the Arab world, […]
Emad Aysha02/04/2020

Splicing and Dicing: interview with Fantasy-SF author Asmaa Kadry

Emad El-Din Aysha: Tell me something about yourself, your CV? Asmaa Kadry: Forget CV’s, they’re […]
Emad Aysha16/02/2020

The Lies that Bind: When Science Fiction becomes Historical Fact, and Drowning becomes the Kiss of Life!

By Emad El-Din Aysha, PhD   Was watching an annoying science fiction movie the other […]
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