International negotiations on Trans-Afghan corridor held in Tashkent

In Tashkent, trilateral (Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan) and multilateral (Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan) negotiations were held with the participation of responsible leaders and representatives of ministries and departments for the design and construction of the railway line “Termez – Mazar-i-Sharif – Kabul – Peshawar”.

“The parties noted the importance of this project in strengthening good-neighborly relations, developing interregional cooperation in the field of international transport communications and trade relations, as well as deepening cooperation in various sectors of the economy,” Uzbekistan Railways reported.

As a result of the meetings, the parties agreed to soon study the proposed railway lines on the spot, regularly hold meetings of working groups and involve international financial institutions in the project after the development of a preliminary feasibility study.

The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, stressed the increasing role and importance of the United Nations and its specialized agencies in the new conditions, as he addressed the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on September 21.

“Transnational threats to peace, security and sustainable development are becoming more acute, climate change is increasing, mass migration flows are increasing, traditional values are being lost”, said Mirziyoyev.

“In these important processes related to the fate of the whole world, it is the United Nations that is called upon to continue to play a leading role, filling its activities with qualitatively new content. We support the efforts of the Secretary-General aimed at strengthening solidarity and unity in the system of international relations, increasing the efficiency and transparency of the organization's activities, " the Uzbek leader added.

He expressed full support for the UN efforts to create opportunities for ensuring equal access and fair distribution of vaccines based on the principle of "leaving no one behind".

“We are in favor of further strengthening the coordinating role of the World Health Organization in effectively countering pandemics and international recognition of vaccination results. The text of the Code on Voluntary Obligations of States during Pandemics, drawn up by the Republic of Uzbekistan and distributed as an official document of the UN General Assembly, is our practical contribution to this work, " the president continued.

He focused on the large-scale and dynamic democratic reforms carried out in the country in recent years, which, according to him, have become irreversible.

“The basis of our democratic reforms is the provision and protection of human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. We are taking decisive steps to ensure freedom of speech and the media, religion and belief, gender equality and interethnic harmony, " he said.

- Our main goal is to become one of the countries with higher than average per capita income by 2030. This intention is in line with the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals", Mirziyoyev noted.

During his speech, he proposed to hold an international conference in Tashkent dedicated to studying the problems of global economic recovery, as well as best practices for reducing poverty in the post-crisis period.

By Sher Karimov


The Liberum

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
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