Israel is moving to implement Israeli law on Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements said in his latest weekly report , that the Israeli law on settlements has become a major condition to form Israeli government following the recent Knesset elections, where settler leaders in the West Bank demand the enforcement of Israeli to include all Jewish settlements. Pressures on this trend have been intensified following Trump's plan for a political settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, known as the "Century Deal," which calls for keeping the settlements under Israeli control in any permanent peace agreement, and that the administration will not oppose expanding Israeli law to include settlements in the West Bank.

Netanyahu has pledged to extend Israeli sovereignty on all major settlement blocs and even small ones, adding that establishing a Palestinian state is a threat to Israel's existence, claiming that he told Trump that he would not evacuate one person from any settlement. Trump's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights encouraged Netanyahu to consider annexing the settlements, saying Trump will support him to annex and expand Israeli law to include all West Bank settlements or at least some blocs.

Within this context, in another step aimed at imposing Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank without officially announcing it, the right-wing Israeli Union of Parties called on Netanyahu and the Likud party to reduce the powers of the "civil administration" in the West Bank and to prevent them from interfering in settler affairs. Adding it is the work of the Israeli ministries regarding the Israeli government decisions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Netanyahu defended his plan to annex settlements in the West Bank.

On the other hand, as part of the ongoing Judaization projects, the Israeli High Court rejected a petition submitted by Israeli human rights organizations demanding the disclosure of information on archaeological excavations carried out by Israeli archaeologists in the Civil Administration. The Court justified its decision that the publication of such information would reveal the identity of those who carried out the excavations and this might expose them to an academic boycott. It is worth mentioning that the Hague Convention of 1954 prohibits the occupying state to remove archaeological artifacts from the occupied area, while the occupation authorities manage the field of archeology in the territories occupied in 1967 by the "Officer of Antiquities", who performs the functions of the Israeli Antiquities Authority. Hundreds of excavations are carried out under permits issued by the officer. Unlike excavations inside Israel, archeological excavations in the West Bank are not disclosed and nothing is reported.

In the ongoing settler attacks, which are carried out protected by the Israeli occupation army, the Israeli organization B'Tselem revealed that after the Israeli army accused the Palestinians of setting fire to some fields in the West Bank. Last week the Israeli army admitted that settlers were responsible on that. The organization published a video of a number of settlers setting fire to fields belonging to Palestinians.

The Israeli occupation army continues its policy of silent ethnic cleansing against Palestinian citizens in the northern Jordan Valley. The Israeli army has approved the use of military exercises as part of its attempts to force the Palestinians in the northern Jordan Valley to leave their homes. The Supreme Court on behalf of Yasser and Walid Abu-Kabbash from Hamsa-Fawqa area demanded that the court prevent the eviction of Bedouin families there.

The so-called settlement council in the occupied Golan Heights published a statement in which confirmed that some officials at the US administration will arrive to the Palestinian territory next month to participate in the celebrations of the official announcement of the establishment of a new settlement in the Golan Heights bearing Trump’s name in turn for his recognition of the Golan as part Of the occupying state. The settlement is located near the settlement of "Kiala Alon" built on the ruins of nearby Syrian uprooted land, north of the occupied Golan, under the scheme of the former settlement of "Projim" in 1992, which did not come into force.


A list of Israeli Settlers' Assaults over the Last Week, Documented by the National Bureau


- Beating a 16- year-old, Ibrahim Swelem, from the Shu'fat neighborhood of Jerusalem, by a group of settlers, who shouted "Death to the Arabs".

- Storming the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Morrocan Gate under intensive security from the occupation forces over the past week.

- Provocative tours in the Aqsa mosque, accompanied by some elements of the Israeli occupation municipality, and a number of students from the Talmudic institutes.


- Attacking Palestinian Property in the Old City of Hebron. An Israeli occupation force attacked a shop in the Old City of Hebron and destroyed its contents, assaulting its owner and injuring another.


- Demolition a house consisting of 2 floors under construction, southeast of Bethlehem, under the pretext of not having a lisence.



- Pumping waste water into agricultural land south of Nablus, where residents of the villages of Sawya, Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, Yata and Qariot complained that the settlers of 'Eileh' were pumping wastewater into their land, which would destroy their crops.

- Scores of settlers stormed the evacuated "Homesh settlement south of Jenin under the protection of the occupation forces, and performed religious rituals

- The confiscation of a waste collection vehicle belonging to the village council of Roujeib east of Nablus.

- Preventing a Basim Najar from completing construction at his home in the ​​Burin village under the pretext that it is less than 150 meters from the bypass road, which the Israeli government intends to open soon.

Jordan Valley:

- Seizing a truck in the Ras Ahmar area southeast of Tubas, owned by Mohammed Bsharat, under the pretext that they were in a closed military zone.

- Setting fire in some pastures west of Hamsa area due to military training.



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