Country: Jordan

Ken van Ierlant08/02/2024

Proportionality in this Gaza war is neither possible nor desirable

Proportionality in the Israel-Gaza war is impossible and undesirable. This is a paradoxical statement that […]
Emad Aysha12/12/2023

Talking to Nadia Afifi, Palestine’s premier cyberpunk author… Can neon speculations save the Arab world?

All this time, I’ve been lamenting the lack of Palestinian science fiction – I said […]
Arthur Blok15/11/2023

The Israel-Hamas war illustrates the Arab World’s Incompetence and Iran’s regional Dominance

If the fighting between Hamas and Israel illustrates one thing, it is the incompetence of […]
Arthur Blok25/09/2023

Peace with Israel will turn Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman into the uncontested leader of a New Middle East

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s (MBS) plans to reform and strategically reposition his country […]
Marita Kassis05/07/2023

The 1001 Richness of the Middle East’s Hidden Treasures

Some look at the Middle East and see a series of political issues and wars, […]
The Liberum17/05/2023

Hezbollah’s decadent history of organised crime

People no longer fall prey to the false claims made by Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah […]
Arthur Blok25/03/2023

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman takes the lead in the region by signing a deal with Iran

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s plans to reform and reposition his country in the […]
Arthur Blok18/02/2023

It is only a matter of time before Saudi Arabia will play a pivotal regional role in social innovation

Under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is full of positive surprises. Since He […]
The Liberum16/02/2023

Candlelight vigil to defend Lebanon’s democracy

One of the oldest democracies in the world is being held to ransom by a […]
Arthur Blok14/02/2023

Social Innovators from all over the globe gather in Riyadh to make a difference for future generations

Since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud is calling the shots in Saudi Arabia, […]
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