Category: News

Emile Fakhoury13/09/2023

Improve your Resilience

If I have learned one thing from my recent summer trip to my home country, […]
Glen Kalem-Habib25/08/2023

A Short Treatise on the Art of Music: Translating Gibran as a Shared Experience

Ameen Goryeb (Amīn al-Ġurayyib, 1880-1971), editor and owner of Al-Mohajer (‘The Emigrant’), a daily Arabic […]
The Liberum23/08/2023

A green future for the Dutch airline industry one step closer to becoming a reality

A sustainable and green future for the Dutch airline industry has just come one step […]
Arthur Blok07/08/2023

Greek part of Cyprus performing well despite 49 years of Turkish occupation

Cyprus is a sad illustration of the international community's incompetence in solving demographic disputes. The […]
Karim El Koussa24/07/2023

Breaking the Double Breaks

Words! What are words? They are a bunch of letters alchemically connected to form a […]
Darine Saleh24/07/2023

Coexistence of Evolution and Innovation

If we spend time analysing and debating whether artificial intelligence will replace humans, we would […]
The Liberum18/07/2023

Dutch green entrepreneurs revolutionise sustainable procurement in the UAE

The global Sustainable Procurement market is overwhelmed with hundreds of Ecolabels using different parameters and […]
Nikola Mikovic10/07/2023

Prigozhin's failed mutiny: Putin may have won, but at what cost?

Over the years, the Kremlin has used the Wagner mercenaries to do the dirty work […]
Marita Kassis05/07/2023

The 1001 Richness of the Middle East’s Hidden Treasures

Some look at the Middle East and see a series of political issues and wars, […]
Emile Fakhoury01/07/2023

The Trust Equation

Not long ago, we had an interesting training session about ‘Emotional Intelligence’ where we evoked […]