Category: News

Arthur Blok08/04/2020

President Trump is getting free healthcare done

The Demurrage Gang is the group of new leaders who are working together with one […]
Hiba Kilany07/04/2020

Global Groundhog Day

‘I got you babe’ is the song by Sonny and Cher to which weatherman Phil […]
Arthur Blok06/04/2020

UAE proposes new start date for Dubai Expo 2020

The UAE government has proposed a new start date for Expo 2020 Dubai. In the […]
Emad Aysha06/04/2020

Saudis and Yemenites join hands to beautify Yemeni capital

The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) launched a program late March aimed […]
Arthur Blok06/04/2020

World agitating against Chinese wet markets

Chinese scientists identified a ‘wet market’ – where live and dead animals, including many endangered […]
Hiba Kilany31/03/2020

Social distancing and the future of our social aptitudes

Last Christmas, December 2019 (Salento – Italy), was the season of sharing. We went out […]
The Liberum31/03/2020

Iran stops gas exports to Turkey due to terror attacks

Iran said on Tuesday its natural gas exports to Turkey have stopped after an attack […]
Arthur Blok27/03/2020

Global Coronavirus hysteria is spreading faster than the virus itself

The Coronavirus-hysteria has gone viral. Global media outlets report on nothing else but the consequences […]
The Liberum25/03/2020

Prospects of forming the China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan railway corridor

By Damir Nazarov   Ibragimov, Sc.D., Director of the “Research Information Centre”, a non-governmental and […]
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