Country: Cyprus

Nikola Mikovic29/08/2024

Azerbaijan's delicate balance between Turkey and Israel

Despite being allies and “brotherly countries,” Azerbaijan and Turkey do not necessarily share the same […]
Arthur Blok07/08/2023

Greek part of Cyprus performing well despite 49 years of Turkish occupation

Cyprus is a sad illustration of the international community's incompetence in solving demographic disputes. The […]
Arthur Blok15/09/2022

SWIM Lebanon is putting Palm Island Nature Reserve in Northern Lebanon on the environmental agenda

Decades of governmental ignorance and mismanagement led to polluted forests and beaches in Lebanon, a […]
Talal Chami22/08/2022

NEW PUBLICATION @ TALAL'S CORNER: ---P-I-C-K---M-E---U-P---@---G-R-E-E-N---S-U-P-R-E-M-E- -V-o-l-.2

Not so long ago, right before the summer kicked in media guy and talented writer […]
Nikola Mikovic09/05/2022

Defying Putin: the West pressures Serbia to recognize Kosovo

Serbia is one of the few European countries that have not imposed sanctions on Russia. […]
The Liberum03/12/2021

Pope Francis champions plight of migrants in Cyprus visit

Pope Francis arrived on the divided island of Cyprus Thursday as part of a landmark […]
The Liberum17/10/2021

Egypt building joint electricity grid with Cyprus

Cyprus and Egypt signed an accord on Saturday to pursue links between the electricity transmission […]
The Liberum29/07/2021

Jordan lends support to Greece, Cyprus in face of Turkey

Greece, Cyprus and regional ally Jordan on Wednesday called for a “comprehensive and viable settlement […]
The Liberum24/07/2021

UN Security Council angry at Erdogan's two-state solution for Cyprus

The UN Security Council on Friday condemned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's call for two […]
The Liberum17/10/2020

Provocative Turkish moves in North Cyprus anger US, EU

U..S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo voiced deep concern about Northern Cyprus’ reopening part of […]
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