Marita Kassis - 29/11/2023
The Middle East might be thousands of miles away from Europe and the United States. […]

Emad Aysha - 25/11/2023
A while ago, I attended a fascinating lecture about the science of spreading doubt and […]

Emad Aysha - 10/11/2023
One last report about the Chengdu WorldCon that I attended last month. When two parts […]

Emad Aysha - 29/10/2023
Let me explain how I know Jeremy Szal. He is a Lebanese-Australian SF author I've […]

Emad Aysha - 09/10/2023
Eman Nabil’s ‘The Result of a Change’ (2018) is a complicated sci-fi novel. It is […]

Arthur Blok - 25/09/2023
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s (MBS) plans to reform and strategically reposition his country […]

Emad Aysha - 13/09/2023
I just read a rather interesting novella by Abd Al-Aal Bikhyt, Ikhtiraq (‘The Hack’ or […]

Emad Aysha - 01/09/2023
Here’s a new novel to deal with, one I came across at the Cairo International […]

Glen Kalem-Habib - 25/08/2023
Ameen Goryeb (Amīn al-Ġurayyib, 1880-1971), editor and owner of Al-Mohajer (‘The Emigrant’), a daily Arabic […]

Emad Aysha - 28/07/2023
An amusing anecdote helps explain why this is such a must-see movie. While being treated […]