Trump says if he's right about election fraud, 'Joe Biden can't be president' (with full video)

President Trump is once again charging that last month’s presidential election was rigged and rampant with fraud. In an address posted on his Twitter and Facebook pages that the president described as possibly “the most important speech, I’ve ever made.”

By the Levant News newsdesk
Trump charged that “lots of bad things happened” during the election. And he argued that "if we are right about the fraud, Joe Biden can't be president. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of votes. We're talking about numbers like nobody has ever seen before."

Taking aim again at the surge in absentee balloting and early voting due to health concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic, the president emphasized that “we used to have what was called Election Day. Now we have election days, weeks and months, and lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time.”

"The mail and voting scam is the latest part of their four-year effort to overturn the results of the 2016 election. And it's been like living in hell," Trump argued.

And the president vowed that he’s “determined to protect our election system,” which he claimed, “is now under coordinated assault and siege.”

Twitter, as it has for numerous Trump tweets regarding charges of election fraud, added a disclaimer that said “This claim about election fraud is disputed.” And Facebook noted that “Joe Biden is the projected winner of the US Presidential election.”

Trump’s speech, recorded in the Diplomatic Room of the White House, came one day after Attorney General William Barr said in an interview with the Associated Press that following inquiries by the Justice Department and the F.B.I., “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

And it comes as a growing number of members of his own party have broken with Trump over his claims of voter fraud. The president has refused to concede to Biden, more than three and a half weeks after Fox News, the Associated Press and other news organizations projected that the former vice president would win enough electoral votes to defeat Trump and become president-elect.

Trump's legal team filed a spate of lawsuits in many of the key battleground states, in hopes of delaying the certification of the election, but the tactics have been unsuccessful to date. And recounts requested by Trump in Georgia and Wisconsin, two of the six key battleground states that Biden narrowly edged Trump and which the president has contested, have to date failed to alter Biden's victories.

On Sunday, in his first interview since the election, Trump once again claimed that the "election was a fraud; it was a rigged election.""We had glitches where they moved thousands of votes from my account to Biden's account," the president said.

But Trump also appeared to acknowledge that his legal bid to overturn the election results "probably" wouldn't reach the U.S. Supreme Court, which has been the goal of his legal team.

In his speech on Wednesday, the president said that “we are going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring that every legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted.” And he emphasized that his efforts are “about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections.”

With agencies


Arthur Blok

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4 comments on “Trump says if he's right about election fraud, 'Joe Biden can't be president' (with full video)”

  1. Whoever wrote this should use the full context of
    what AG Barr said regarding how this
    legal action is being pursued.
    Civil action, not just Supreme Court,
    is the route being taken.

  2. I totally agree with Angel NicGillicuddy. It is not ONLY going to court.
    It is civil action against stealing the election.
    The Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump.
    If not he should declare Martial Law and start and call for new elections.

    Am sure the Democrats will look stupid.
    We can trow this old fart Biden in prison and let this psycho Harris clean the cells.

    1. Cool Carl ?
      Are you familiar with the story of Shibboleth?
      in the fourth book now.
      Angel NicGillicuddy

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