Trump won't go broke

President Trump won’t go broke in the end like Robert Morris.
He will in fact,
by the time he declares demurrage on The US dollar,
be also addressing our flawed system of Land Tenure;
The Antiquated System of Land Ownership.
He knows the problem well.
Do you believe that President Trump
thinks all the government rules and laws
have been intelligent?
I don’t.
But he has had to play by them.

He’s gonna fix things;
“make the playing field level”,
and then
go back to the private sector
and create,
along with all the other Creators,
without limits
to the full potential
of the human he is.

Oooohhh yes, GOD is gonna be proud of him.
He may have made mistakes or done wrongful things during his career
(like anyone who plays the game with the crooked trick hoardable money)
but he has experienced the ups and downs enough
paying close attention,
like Silvio Gesell did,
to see what is happening
and the problem;
he sees the plan of The Cash Mob Elite
and he sees The Way Out;
The Natural Economic Order and how to get there.
GOD said to Moses:
“The Land is Mine,
Thou shalt not
sell it.”
It’s the second half
of The Two Edged Sword coming
from The Mouth.

I AM with
Angel NicGillicuddy,
The Beast


Arthur Blok

Veteran journalist, author, moderator and entrepreneur. The man with the unapologetic opinion who is always ready to help you understand and simplify the most complex (global) matters. Just ask.
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