Year: 2022

The Levant16/06/2022

Sudanese Revolution is not over: People will fight until the Military Regime falls

Flags with portraits of martyrs proudly held high in the sky, men and women fearlessly […]
Emad Aysha16/06/2022

Top Gun: Maverick (2022) – A call to arms or sober reminder of days past and gone? Who cares when you’re having this much fun!

I finally watched Top Gun: Maverick (2022). Even the most cynical reviewers out there liked […]
The Liberum13/06/2022

Homes demolished of Muslim protestors in India

Authorities in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have demolished the homes of several people […]
Emile Fakhoury10/06/2022

Focus your energy

Meditation is essential to focus your energy as it allows you to take control of your […]
The Liberum10/06/2022

Erdogan expects respect for new assault on Syria

Turkey's president said Thursday he hoped Ankara's allies would "understand and respect" its announced operation […]
Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili08/06/2022

Could you give it a rest? You have more important things to worry about

The inflationary pressure we are experiencing today is a wild dog; tough to tame! The […]
The Liberum08/06/2022

Qatar resurrects controversial Zidane statue

Qatar plans to re-install a sculpture immortalising French-Algerian soccer player Zinedine Zidane's head butt during […]
Arthur Blok04/06/2022

SWIM Lebanon turning the tide in Lebanon by cleaning its polluted shores and sea

Heavily polluted beaches and sewers that pump untreated wastewater directly into the sea. Not the […]
Nikola Mikovic03/06/2022

Ukraine war: What comes after the Donbas battle?

Russian forces in the Donbas continue making slow progress. Unless Ukraine deploys more troops and […]
The Levant03/06/2022

BREAKING NEWS: 19,000 Late, Invalid Ballots Were Counted in Arizona US Presidential 2020 Election

Arizona 2020 Election Results May Have Been Different, Election Integrity Group Says. A recent survey […]
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