Tayseer Khaled: We are not a Banana Republic Mr. Greenblatt

Tayseer Khaled, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), said that the American administration's threat to find alternatives to the Palestinian leadership is an intrusive interference in Palestinian internal affairs and reflects a humiliating and discriminatory attitude that assumes that nations of the world can be formed and manipulated in accordance with  plans,just as US administrations and the CIA have been dealing with banana republics in Latin America and the Caribbean, carried out coups, isolated governments and interfered with the destinies of the people in accordance with the interests of US monopolies.

Khaled said in response to what US envoy Jason Greenblatt, who warned the leadership of the PLO  to find an alternative in the case of rejection the Trumps deal of the century ,

He added,  PLO, apart from political differences, especially with the dominant trend is the only address to the Palestinian people, has earned this attribute by the sacrifices of tens of thousands of martyrs and wounded, and hundreds of thousands of detainees, and the encirclement of the Palestinian people around it and the recognition of most of the world and its national program. "

Khaled mentioned the many desperate attempts that the occupation governments, US administrations and regional governments have tried to find alternatives to the PLO and its leadership, but all are doomed to failure.

He contiued that the Palestinian people have been formed for decades from the guardianship and intervention in internal affairs and succeeded in preserving the PLO and its moral and political status as the united national coalition that expresses the unity of the people and the unity of their rights and national interests. Any political differences or disagreements with the influential leadership cannot reach the point of allowing interference in Palestinian internal affairs or dealing with any attempt to find alternatives.

Khalid said that Greenblatt's  statements confirm the aggressiveness of the Trump administration, which moved from the site of supporting the occupation and covering its crimes to the site of direct alignment in the trench of the aggression against our people. These attempts require a firm Palestinian response based on abandoning the policy of hegemony. In order to defeat these policies that are contrary to the rights and interests of the Palestinian people.


30.8.2018                                                                                                                     Press Office


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