Tayseer Khaled: Netanyahu will be known as the most racist figure in his government

Tayseer Khaled, member of the PLO’s Executive Committee, member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP,  described the Israeli PM Netanyahu as being the most racist among his government as he declared that the State of Israel is a national state for the Jew, and that minorities in Israel have national representation in other countries.

Khaled asserted that Netanyahu’s statements at the Israeli cabinet meeting held on March 10th, 2019, exceeded all racists and fascists figures, such as, Naftali Bent, Elite Shaked, Miri Regev, Moshe Feiglin and other extreme right-wing Zionist leaders in Israel.

Netanyahu claimed in the meeting , It is not clear to the Israeli public who has  confusion about the identity of the  state of Israel , as the national state of the Jewish people only and that he respects the personal rights of all, both Jews and non-Jews, but as a nation state, it is not for all its citizens, because other peoples, and other minorities had national representation in other countries as he claimed.

Khaled said that Netanyahu commits a political mistake should he believes that the 1948-Palestinians, who live in their  fathers and grandfathers, the West Bank, including Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, are plus people, or newcomers, who could be used as goods to get votes in the upcoming Israeli-Knesset elections, adding   Netanyahu must stop his Nazis method, in which the Jews were the first victims of it at the hands of racists, committed horrendous war crimes against humanity as they treated the Jewish and non-Jewish alike being of other nationalities and/or minorities.

He called on all civilized countries, and democratic societies that refuse discrimination between their citizens on the basis of their national or religious affiliations, to condemn Netanyahu’s statements, and to warn him of the serious consequences of such an act, and to enable the Palestinians establish their viable State.

12.3.2019                                                                                                                         Media Office


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