Category: Voices

Arthur Blok28/04/2022

Is NATO to blame for the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in […]
Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili02/04/2022

The Capital Control Law returned to Lebanon's political and legislative landscape

More than two years passed on the imminent urgency of the Capital Control Law which […]
Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili30/03/2022

Leading Lebanese Fransabank in the eye of the storm: another example of failed Lebanese Justice

The Central Bank of Lebanon, the competent authority in this matter, is required to intervene […]
Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili21/03/2022

Planet Earth shall Not be the same after the crisis in Ukraine is over

Russian President Vladimir Putin (69) was inaugurated in the Kremlin on May 7 2012. I […]
The Liberum09/03/2022

West versus East = Freedom vs. Justice?

“And when you get to Belgium… pursue your dream! Love! Be yourself!” I said to […]
Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili10/02/2022

Printing money to escape the pressure of fiscal reforms is any corrupt politician’s number one choice

Rest assured dear citizens of Lebanon, the denial shall not set the corrupt and incompetent […]
Arthur Blok09/02/2022

Tunisian president Kaïs Saied steps away from crowning himself king of Tunisia

The birthplace of the Arab Spring, Tunisia, slid in less than a year into a […]
Arthur Blok05/02/2022

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics: a sports-washing opportunity 2.0

The Berlin Olympic Games in 1936 were a platform the Nazis used for their propaganda […]
Mohammad Ibrahim Fheili02/02/2022

How a sex scandal thwarts the presumption of innocence

Pride goes before the fall, as the saying is. A sex scandal affecting one of […]
Arthur Blok20/01/2022

U.S. President Joe Biden’s decline is alarming: disapproval hit a new record high

American president Joe Biden is failing in his first year in office on nearly every […]