Category: Untold

There are two sides to any story. One is talked about and seen by everyone, but the other is untold. We focus on the latter.

Arthur Blok01/05/2020

Pandemic-induced decreases in consumption have compromised the worthiness of oil

The outbreak of COVID-19 has given the entire world a reality check with regards to […]
Arthur Blok30/04/2020

How the coronavirus is changing the world - the political, ecological and geopolitical impact

In his book Plagues and Peoples historian William Hardy McNeill uses two concepts to describe […]
Marco Mattiussi18/04/2020

Are corona lockdowns and waiting for a vaccine the only way out of the global crisis?

The social and economic corona lockdowns worldwide are not due to end anytime soon. The […]
Emad Aysha15/04/2020

From the East to the East: Romania's Darius Hupov interviews Egypt's Ammar Al-Masry

This interview was conducted by Darius Luca Hupov. Hupov is the Editor-in-chief of Romania’s top […]
Emad Aysha11/04/2020

Reviewing ‘Amin Al-Ulwani’ by Faycel Lahmeur – When the Sci-Fi Sun rises in the West!

As an SF author, activist and reviewer from the Eastern part of the Arab world, […]
Arthur Blok10/04/2020

Tunisian opposition leader Nabil Karoui impressed by Covid-19 solidarity in Tunisia

Tunisian politician and businessman Nabil Karoui (1963) became world famous when he was arrested last […]
Emad Aysha02/04/2020

Splicing and Dicing: interview with Fantasy-SF author Asmaa Kadry

Emad El-Din Aysha: Tell me something about yourself, your CV? Asmaa Kadry: Forget CV’s, they’re […]
Arthur Blok02/04/2020

Global coronavirus lockdown measures taken on non-validated data

If the Covid-19 pandemic has made one thing evident in the past months, it is […]
Arthur Blok01/04/2020

Hezbollah’s Corona Quagmire: An Opportunity to Empower the LAF

Now that Hezbollah realizes its efforts to hide virus cases won’t work anymore, Washington should […]
Arthur Blok27/03/2020

Global Coronavirus hysteria is spreading faster than the virus itself

The Coronavirus-hysteria has gone viral. Global media outlets report on nothing else but the consequences […]
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