Category: Untold

There are two sides to any story. One is talked about and seen by everyone, but the other is untold. We focus on the latter.

The Liberum26/07/2021

Uzbek athletes in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Uzbekistan’s taekwondo fighter Nikita Rafalovich (-80 kg) defeated his Dominican opponent at the Tokyo 2020 […]
Nikola Mikovic23/07/2021

Nord Stream 2: The West expects Russia to keep funding Ukraine

United States and Germany reportedly made a wider deal over the controversial Nord Stream 2 […]
Emad Aysha22/07/2021

The ‘Dune’ bug strikes again – From mistakes in the print shop to mishaps on the silver screen

By Emad El-Din Aysha, PhD “The sooner we admit our capacity for evil the less […]
Nikola Mikovic18/07/2021

Russo-Taliban tango in Central Asia

The withdrawal of the US and NATO troops from Afghanistan threatens to destabilize Central Asia […]
Nikola Mikovic06/07/2021

Vladimir Putin: “the good Tsar” surrounded by his “bad boyars”

Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to love playing “a good tsar and bad boyars” game. […]
Nikola Mikovic22/06/2021

Pashinyan’s victory in the shadow of Armenia’s war defeat

Nikol Pashinyan, the acting prime minister of Armenia, has claimed victory in a snap parliamentary […]
Arthur Blok22/06/2021

Saudi Arabia’s first female tour guide stood at the forefront of social reforms in the kingdom

Saudi Arabia is on a path of dramatic economic and social reforms. The reforms, launched […]
Nikola Mikovic20/06/2021

The Kuril Islands dispute: Putin gives Japan a ray of hope

Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to love skating on thin ice. In the past he […]
Nikola Mikovic11/06/2021

Russia and the West: a never-ending partnership

Mainstream media tend to portray Russia and the West as bitter geopolitical rivals. In reality, […]
Nikola Mikovic06/06/2021

EU-backed judicial reforms delay justice in Serbia

“The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine”, Sun Tzu - a Chinese […]
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